The School Day

 Sample class schedule

Arrival time:

Upon arrival, children will carry out their routine tasks such as tap Octopus for attendance regulation; hand in communication books, take out snack box, and put away backpack, to develop self-management skills.  Other activities will be available for children to work with their peers and promote social and communication skills.

Circle Time followed by Small Group Time:

Setting the day, circle time will set the scene for classroom or community building learning intentions.   Adults work with small groups of the class and individual students.  Adults will work and learn collaboratively with the children through active listening, discussion and reflection.  Documentation on how children respond to challenges and respond to provocations is ongoing and will become evidence of their learning, which is shared on the VLE.

K2 children will have Mandarin sessions once a week during this time.

Open Play:

The children will have a choice to select from a variety of learning engagements available throughout the Kindergarten.  These learning engagements will develop skills and are often linked to the unit of inquiry. Teachers and EAs will guide and support children to explore various activities and to encourage children to integrate different learning experiences.  Children are encouraged to wonder and ask questions and test their own theories or action on their new knowledge.

This is also when children may choose to have their snack, socialise with their friend, or move into our music, physical play, art, library or drama areas.

Tidy-up Time:

The children will be responsible for helping the adults to tidy-up.  Thereafter, everyone returns to class base for quiet reading/story time and reflection.

K1 children will have a Mandarin session once a week during this time.

Circle Time:

Students gather in their classroom to reflect on the day, their learning and to bring closure to the session.

Home Time:

Bus children will be collected and escorted onto the buses by EAs and bus mothers.

Walkers will be picked up parents/carers from the classrooms.

